Sleepy meditations﹘What to do

Sleepiness during meditation is quite common. Even advanced practitioners have periods of drowsiness in their meditations. But sleepiness is not necessarily a problem, even if it does not go away. In fact, there are ways to use it to enhance the results of meditation.

Sleepiness in meditation has several elements. We will look at three important ones: physical, mental/emotional, and life circumstances.

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The shortcut to equanimity

To cultivate equanimity, it is often fastest to train it in the body first.

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Breathing as a quick fix for stress

Meditation as an aid to stress is a long-term project that becomes more and more effective the longer you stick to it. But sometimes we need a quick fix without several weeks of training first. Nor is all the meditation practice you have already done in vain when using such quick fixes. The previous practice only makes them work better.

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